Monday, January 7, 2008

Hudson is 4 months old!!

This month has been filled with tons of fun with our big boy. Hudson's personality continues to emerge, and we all fall more in love with him by the day. He's still an extremely happy baby and rewards us with oodles of smiles, laughter and coos. He's very content and hardly fusses...usually just when he's hungry or tired. Playtime has consisted of new experiences in his exersaucer, play gym and johnny jumper. His hand-eye coordination is great and he enjoys swatting and grabbing all the toys. He's also rolling pretty well, so its hard to keep him on his belly very long. Bath time has turned into a splashing frenzy, and he has a new fascination with my water bottles. He already tries to pull it to his mouth to drink it. His favorite thing these days is his jumper, and he really gets going when someone jumps in front of him...especially Madison. It is becoming evident that Hudson watches her and already wants to keep up with or compete with her.

Quick story: They were having a true dialogue the other night. It started out with sweet sounds and coos, but then the louder and more excited Madison got, the louder Hudson got. It escalated to a point that Brian and I could barely hear each other and we finally found ourselves asking them to settle down...I guess we just got a little taste of what we are in for as they get older. Truthfully though, I thought it was very sweet and I'm delighted that they are so fond of each other.
At his 4 month check up we were given his latest stats. He's slowing down a bit in the weight department and has dropped to the 90th percentile instead of the 95th, but he's still a big boy!
Weight: 17 lbs 3 oz
Height: 25 1/2 inches
We are still waiting for him to sleep through the night, but thankfully his happiness sure makes up for the lack of sleep...and the fact that he's so darn cute!!

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