Monday, April 7, 2008

Hudson is 7 Months Old

Hudson is another month older, and what a fun month it has been! His personality continues to grow, and he just gets cuter and cuter by the day. He picked up on a new way of mimicking us...I'm not sure if it's the first thing we would have wanted him to do, but he is proud of it and it's pretty darn cute. He shakes his head back and forth as if he were saying "no". (I'll upload a video of it soon) He'll copy us doing it, but then other times he will just do it to make us laugh and get a reaction from us. I'm glad the words "no, no, no" are not accompanying it...for know anyway! Other firsts this month include eating all sorts of food. He is currently eating a solid meal at breakfast and dinner, and so far he has tasted sweet potatoes, peas, green beans, squash, carrots, applesauce, blueberries, bananas, avocado, pears, and peaches. Since he has a tooth now, he also started eating toast and little "veggie puffs" (sort of like cheerios, but they dissolve quickly). He loves them. He'll grab a handful of them, but only one or two will actually make it into his mouth. Along with his meals, he loves drinking water from a sippy cup....he thinks its a treat.
This boy loves music, loves being sung to and even likes singing along. A favorite (and still a life savor) is the ABC's, but some new favorites are "The Ant's Go Marching", "Old MacDonald" and "Who Let the Dog's Out" (no, it is not a children's song, but it gets the entire family singing and he likes it!) Last Sunday he was singing throughout the entire worship service at church...loudly!! We thought it was adorable. Play time with Hudson has been fun. A new favorite toy is a Jack-in-the-box. He squeals and wiggles with anticipation and gives the bear inside a big smile when he pops out. He understands the concept of object permanence and enjoys playing hide and seek in order to find a toy if hidden under another object. Hudson was given his first big boy monster truck from some friends of ours. It has flashing lights and loud noises and he loves watching it zoom across the floor. Brian was very excited about this toy too...he said that it's about time and he can't wait for more boy toys to enter this house!
Below is another picture to highlight Hudson's big blue eyes. The other day someone called him Tweety Bird. This was neat because that is what people called Brian when he was a baby.
What a cutie!!

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