Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hudson is 9 Months Old

Hudson was all smiles today, but he wasn't this happy all month. It was a rough couple of weeks in our house dealing with sicknesses all around. Hudson had his first ear infection, and dealt with a horrible wheezing cough, which caused him to have nebulizer breathing treatments. After recovering from that he caught some other type of virus causing him to have several days of a high fever followed by a rash. Finally by the end of the month he fully recovered and made some major leaps and bounds. He is now a crawling machine! He decided that he would crawl, pull up on things and attempt to cruise the furniture all in the same day! Our life as we knew it will never be the same. Madison already has to be on guard of her things if Hudson is near by.
Currently, Hudson is doing a few new and funny things. He is trying to "meow" when you show him a picture of cat and make the sound. He also sings along to "Elmo's Song" with his own "la, la, La's". And finally tonight, Brian has taught him to mimic the tune of the Seminole war chant. (If I can capture all these on video soon, I will upload them because they are quite adorable.)
Hudson still loves water. He has his own baby pool that we put outside next to Madison's big pool, and he has a blast splashing away.
These next few things we are hoping are just a phase and we will be working on them with Hudson. He loves hair....he loves to play with it, pull it and even eat it! When he wants to be, he can be fast and strong! He has pulled chunks out of Madison's head and she hasn't even noticed. He gets such a good grip that he even gets me yelling for help sometimes. We are encouraging gentleness in this area. His other habit is biting. I attribute this to teething right now, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt. Everything goes into his mouth, so if my shoulder is close by, he fits what he can in his mouth and chomps down!! One time this month, he actually pulled out one of my earrings and got it into his mouth without me realizing. We thought he was eating some hair, but when we turned him over and around, my earring fell out....thank God!! That would have been the last thing we needed this month.
Despite all the craziness of the month, though, we had plenty of fun moments. I also got to enjoy many days of snuggling, which I can never get enough of!
Happy 9 Month Birthday Hudson!

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