Saturday, March 7, 2009

Hudson is 1 1/2 Years Old

I picked out a few of my favorite Hudson pics from the last month. I feel that these few photos really sum up his personality. He's definitely become an adventurous, determined, fun, sweet, strong and tough little guy. He can take a swing at a ball like you wouldn't believe. His love of balls has grown exponentially. I always keep a few in the diaper bag and in the never know when you'll need them! I'm still thinking this kid will grow to be some sort of ball player...he seems to have been born with it in him!

His language continues to blossom as well. It's fun to see how much he understands even though he can't verbally communicate it. He enjoys taking orders....that is when it is fun. He loves to go get things for us, throw stuff away, take his cups/plates to the sink...sometimes putting them in the trash by mistake, and making us all laugh. Madison's usually right there behind him to correct his mistakes, though.

His favorites continue to be playing outside, climbing and hanging on things, listening and dancing to music...mainly with Madison, chasing or being chased, wrestling...which we have had to work with him on appropriate times and people to do this with, Gabi, our cat around the house, curious george and Barney!

This month, although filled with many fun times, has been one of the most challenging. As you may have read in the allergy update Hudson is allergic to a few key ingredients that seem to be in most foods. Milk, soy, rice, and nuts. If you take a look at the majority of your food labels and think about the ingredients in your family's recipes, you'll see the challenges we have been dealing with. Meal times have become a struggle, usually ending up with tears and thrown food, because he is bored of the same boring things. We have had to strip most of the things he was accustomed to eating out of his diet, and need to get creative and educated on his food options. He eats a lot of fruit these days and has slimmed down a bit...we go to his well baby check-up on Monday to get the official measurements and see how he's doing with his growth. I'm not too worried because he is one strong kid and remains really active. To add to the challenges of the month, about a week after his allergy test he developed a cold, then a cough, then started wheezing and had a fever spike up to 103.5 degrees. After a trip to urgent care, a chest x-ray, a breathing treatment, and a couple of prescriptions later, he was diagnosed with pneumonia. Poor Baby and Poor Mommy and Daddy!! Thankfully he is completely recovered from his sickness, and we are prayerful and confident that the struggles with his allergies will just be temporary.

We are so thankful he is a part of our family. Not a day goes by that he doesn't make us laugh, or make me gasp out of fright from something he is doing or getting into.

But that's our boy and we love him!

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