Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

We wish you all a happy and healthy new year filled with many blessings from above!
We look forward to seeing what the new year brings!
Happy 2010!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Go Dolphins

Every year we get the kids dressed in their Miami Dolphins gear and take pictures in order to make Stu a calendar for his office. This year the photos turned out especially cute, so I thought I'd share them all!

Our Christmas Holiday

Merry Christmas 2009

Christmas Eve the kids pretend to sleep under the tree and wait for Santa!
Our tree
A few extra surprises await out back for the kids!
Another Christmas has quickly come and gone.
Early on this holiday season, I pretty much knew what the kids wanted and what we wanted to get them. So the majority of our Christmas shopping was done by Thanksgiving. While that was nice, it made for a long month of anticipation on my part because I was so excited for them this year. They are both at fun ages and would be getting some big gifts so I could not wait to watch them on Christmas morning.

The day before Christmas Eve MomMom came in town to spend the week with us. We spent Christmas Eve with Aunt Julie and Angela and exchanged gifts with them. Then we did our traditional story telling time of the birth of Jesus, along with The Night Before Christmas. We finished by tracking Santa online and then put the kids to bed. We spent the next couple of hours putting toys together and wrapping presents.

Christmas morning, Madison woke up and was amazed to see that Santa had come and eaten the cookie that she had left for him. We all went together to Hudson's room so that she could wake him up and tell him to come see what Santa had left. They quickly saw a few unwrapped gifts to play with and then brought down every one's stockings. The kids were adorable opening their gifts. Hudson would open one and then want to stop and just play with that item, not wanting to open another. Madison tried to pace herself so that she would have the last couple to open. Hudson's favorite gift were his "choo choo shoes", and all his Thomas trains from Santa, and Madison's was her Lulu cuddle kitten from Uncle Bobby and Aunt Kimmy. Once all the presents were open under the tree, the kids played and we ate our traditional cinnamon buns. Then after a while, we gave Madison a card to read to us. It said how proud we were of both of them and how much we loved them and hoped they had a great Christmas. Then at the end it said, "Now go look outside". Madison looked confused, but quickly jumped to her feet and grabbed Hudson's hand. They opened the back door and were stunned to see their new ride on toys and playhouse.
They quickly became the new favorite toys of the year, and have been ridden everyday since!

We all had a fun Christmas and have been enjoying having the kids out of school. Spending time together and having nowhere to rush around to has been the greatest!
Below is a sideshow of all our holiday pics. Enjoy...we sure did!
Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Few December Updates

We've had a busy week leading up to Christmas with some fun holiday events and celebrations.
Last week we started off by visiting Santa at the mall. Madison of course had her list memorized, and Hudson had only one thing on his mind, "Choo Choos" (trains). While he seemed anxious to see him while in line, when it finally came time to actually sit on his lap, he wanted nothing to do with it. Madison did a good job trying to get him to go visit Santa, but Hudson was not happy about it. When he finally got enough courage to go tell Santa what he wanted, he was confused and disappointed at what happened next. He apparently thought that when he asked Santa for what he wanted that Santa was going to immediately give it to him. So, when we told Hudson to say good-bye to Santa, he didn't move and just kept saying, "choo, choo, choo ,choo!" He was quite upset that Santa was not giving him a train, so we tried to explain that Santa brings presents to the house another day. He quickly got over it. I'm sure he'll be excited if Santa decides to bring him some trains!
Here are a few Santa pictures:
Later in the week we had a visit from Grandpa and Grandma and celebrated Christmas with them. We all had a blast going out to eat and opening gifts by the fire. We all got more then enough fun stuff, and are very grateful. Wait until you see Madison's face when she opened her MP3 player....she was so excited and surprised!
Thanks Grandpa and Grandma!
As school wrapped up for the winter break, both kids had holiday parties at their schools. Brian and I split up, he went to Madison's party and I planned on going to Hudson's, but then Brian surprised us and showed up too. Hudson performed a little Christmas show singing songs and shaking his bell. He did a great job! Madison got to play games, make crafts, and eat snacks at her party. Both kids had a blast and truly love their teachers and enjoy going to school!

We also went to the Winter Parade on Saturday night. It was freezing, but the kids enjoyed the parade and getting candy and beads!

Now we are all just anxiously waiting for Christmas morning!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

My Trip to Baltimore

Last week I was able to take a trip to meet our new niece, Lily. What an angel she is! She'll stare at you at just melt your heart. There's no doubt that she already has her Daddy wrapped around her finger. I also think she looks like him too. I am so glad I was able to go visit her along with my brother (Bobby) and sister-in-law (Kim). I got in lots of snuggle and play time with this sweet baby, and was able to just hang out with Bobby and Kim over the long weekend. While this trip's purpose was to spend time with Lily, Kim did take me out to Lululemon (my favorite athletic clothing store! Brian generously told me to treat myself to something for Christmas...and I did! (It's a good thing there is not a store near me because I would be in trouble!!)

On Saturday, I got a special gift of seeing the first snowfall of the season. And although I have been skiing and have seen snow on the ground, it was actually the first time this born Floridian had seen snow fall....I know its hard to believe! My brother and I even built a little snowman so I could show Madison, and of course we threw a couple of snowballs at each other! It was a lot of fun, and beautiful to watch!The trip went by too quickly as it always does. It was hard to leave knowing that I would not get to see Lily as much as I'd like to. Hopefully all the kids will be playing together real soon though! Who knows, maybe Brian and I will find jobs up there! Can Floridians get used to snow?