Friday, November 2, 2007

Happy Birthday Madison

I can't believe that Madison is four years old today! Where has the time gone? It feels like yesterday that we were bringing her home from the hospital. It's truly amazing how much she has changed in just four short years, and how big her personality has become. While it would take me too long to highlight each year that has passed, here's a brief look at how she has grown throughout the years.

This was our little burrito baby in the hospital after she was born. The other picture was what we used for her birth announcment.

Here she was at 5, 6, and 9 months old. What a cutie...even if she had no hair!!

By her first birthday, there was no doubt she was the princess of the family. She thouroughly enjoyed that first birthday cake, and was already willing to share some with us.

At 2 years old Madison was like a mini me. She had on my shoes, my purse and was talking on my cell phone. This year she started going to preschool, and has loved it ever since. Finally, she figured out what she liked and didn't like and was able to express it. Look at that pout face!

From her third birthday until now has been quite fun. She has learned and accomplished a lot this year. Here are a few of her highlights:
She learned how to write her name and a few other words.
She likes to count, and can count up to 50.
She had her first dance recital, and took her first gymnastics class.
She learned how to swim, and went down her first water slide.
She graduated into a big girl bed.
She learned how to ride a bike.
She had her first crush on a boy in her class named JJ...she thinks she's going to marry him!
She also became a big sister...and is a super one.
She's still extremely loving, empathetic, sweet, fun, and giving.
She enjoys and is eager to pray when she has the chance.
She has a memory like you wouldn't, if you ever tell her you're going to do something later, you better follow through!
She loves to make up dances...our favorite is the robot!
She still loves the Disney princesses, but also enjoys Care Bears and Strawberry Shortcake.

She also loves to make us laugh. Can you tell?

We are truly blessed to have this special little girl in our lives. She teaches us things all the time, and amazes us by the person she is becoming. We are so proud of her!
Happy 4th Birthday Madison

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