Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Hudson is 2 months old

Our big boy is growing like crazy. Not only is he growing in size, but in personality and strength. He is rewarding us all with big, bright-eyed smiles, gurgles, coos and squeeks. He is really alert and communicative....especially when it comes to Madison. Its truly special to see how he lights up for her and to watch them "talk" to one another. It's like they have their own secret language already. He is also very busy these days exploring his hands. He'll hold them up in front of his face and just watch them move. I don't remember Madison doing that, but its funny to see. He is now stretching out his nightly sleep about 5-6 hours in a row, then 3 hours after that. One of his big accomplishments this month is rolling from his tummy to his back. I thought it was just a random thing, but he's done it three times in the last week. So he may be BIG, but he's got strength to go with it. People will stop me and tell me he looks like a little football player....we'll have to wait and see about that! He's latest stats at his 2 month check up were:

Weight: 13 lbs 6 oz (95th %)
Height: 23 1/4 in (55th %)
Its amazing to me how with your first child, you tend to anticipate and want to rush to the next milestone, and now I just want to slow both of them down. Time goes by too quickly these days, and I am trying to cherish and remember all of them. Despite the hectic days and lack of sleep, I truly love being a Mommy. I couldn't imagine my life without Hudson and Madison. Sometimes, its all surreal, and feels like I am playing house with Brian, but then I thank God that this really is my life!

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