Monday, July 7, 2008

Hudson is 10 months

We're getting closer and closer to the big first birthday. Hudson is 10 months old today, and what a fun month it has been! His crawling speed seems to increase daily, and all he wants to do is stand up. He has proudly taken his first steps with a walker. So now, he tries to push anything that will move so he can take a few steps. He loves playing ball...and this makes Brian very happy! If you roll or toss him a ball, he will grab it and toss it back and then clap for's really adorable! He likes tactile books, where he can touch the pages and books with animals. Other then that I am lucky if I can get him to sit still long enough to finish one story....he is a mover!! Since it is summertime we have spent a lot of time outside in the pool. He loves the water and has his own mini pool that he'll play in for as long as I let him. He especially loves when Madison joins him. He has become her little copy cat, trying to mimic her sounds. He has really gotten good at this lately. He tries to say ball, bye-bye, mama and dada, nana (banana), and go go go. He can meow like a cat (he learned this from copying our cat), and baaa like a sheep. He has also begun using the sign for more when he eats. He is eating a variety of foods now and is transitioning into more table foods. His current favorite is can't get them on his plate fast enough! We are still concerned about possible food allergies because he gets a rash around his mouth after eating certain foods, so we will have to keep an eye on it. Other then that he is a wonderful, joyful baby boy! He still melts our hearts with his cute smile, crazy sounds and beautiful blue eyes. We are looking forward to the month ahead!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, I thought Leland was big! He is adorable and Madison is beautiful. Miss you guys.
Aunt Terri & Unc Jack