Friday, September 12, 2008

1 Year Well Baby Check-Up

Hudson had his 1 year check up today, and our once big boy has definitely slowed down on his growth....or has just gotten really active! He seems to be right on track developmentally and doing great! However, he does appear to be allergic to milk/dairy products, so we will be altering some ingredients in our house for at least the next year. Then, hopefully he will have outgrown it. We will also be trying a prescription cream for his eczema because it seems to be getting worse. Let's hope it works. Thankfully he does not seem to notice it or be bothered by it.

Below are his current stats:

height: 29 1/2 inches (45th percentile)
weight: 21 pounds 9 ounces (35th percentile)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Kristen, Your family continues to be as gorgeous as ever. So nice to hear that everyone is doing well. We miss you!!

Stacy, Geoff, Geoffrey, Emilie, and David Oliver