Monday, September 8, 2008

Hudson is 1 Year Old

Well, the big day has finally baby boy is 1 year old!! Yesterday we celebrated his first year of life by having a party at our house. The party revolved around balls, since playing with balls is one of Hudson's favorite things. The poster above was used for a decoration. We had a football cake, along with baseball, soccer ball and basketball cupcakes....all of which were homemade. We also played "Kick a field goal"(pin the tail on the donkey style). Everyone seemed to have a great time...especially Hudson and Madison. Hudson definitely enjoyed eating his baseball much that he decided to forgo using his hands and just dove his face right into was hilariously cute!! He has thoroughly enjoyed playing with the new toys that we have opened....Thank You Everyone!

I'm convinced that there is something life changing about turning 1. I noticed it with Madison and I am noticing it with Hudson. He is doing so much more these days and seems different already. He is walking short distances, mimicking animal noises, saying a handful of words, playing more purposefully, and listening to and following simple directions. We know he understands us by the way he looks at us, even when he doesn't respond the way we would want him to. His new fascinations lie with toilets, garbage cans and his diaper pail. He enjoys putting objects into containers, and does not yet understand why he can't put his toys in those places! When he gets busted, he looks at you with those big blue eyes and a face that says, "I know I'm doing something I shouldn't, but don't I look cute doing it!" He's amazing...but then again I am a little biased! There is no doubt though that he is adorable. His eyes are as blue as ever and I think his hair may even be getting lighter. He truly looks like an all American boy!

Below is a digital scrapbook that I made from his party. Enjoy!

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1 comment:

Daisha said...

Your blog looks great.
