Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hudson is 16 Months Old

I didn't post an update last month on Hudson with all the holiday stuff going on, but boy has he grown in the last month. Here are some of his favorites and accomplishments:
  • His language is getting ready to explode. He currently says, "Ma Ma, Da Da, Amama (Madison), Gapa, Gama (Grandpa, Grandma), Mumum (MomMom), ball, all done, again, bye-bye, hi, yes, no, Ba-nee (Barney), Mumuman (Muffin Man), lelow (yellow)"...and other gibberish. He also siad his first sentence this week, "Mama again".
  • He loves music! His favorite songs are The Itsy Bitsy Spider, 3 Blind Mice, Muffin Man, the I Love You song from Barney. He also loves his veggie tales CD where the songs say his name in them...from Mi'ma. He actually sings three songs that we recognize...very cute...I will try to get some videos up soon of it.
  • Physically, he is all boy!! He is constantly moving, climbing, trying to jump, run, and wrestle. We have lowered his crib to the lowest level because he is trying to climb out! I don't know how much longer he will be in it. He loves to be outside playing. His favorite toy is by far balls!! Whenever we are out and about whether in the car or stroller, anything he sees that is round he immediately starts yelling and pointing, "ball, ball, ball". He loves to go to Target to see the big red balls outside.
  • He still gets excited when his big sister gets home from school. They are playing together real well, and we think Hudson might even like being in Madison's room better then in least when she is home.
  • He still has his dairy allergy. Recently, he has begun reacting to some soy products as well. We will be taking him to an allergist in the next month to determine what is going on. It is getting a little more challenging to feed him a variety of foods. Keep praying that he will outgrow whatever it is.

He is still such a joy to have in our family. He is a sweet, fun, smart, loving, and entertaining boy. We love him to pieces!


Janay said...

That first picture is amazing! Did you take it or is it a professional shot? You need to submit that to some "precious picture" contest. Love those blue eyes...

Ha! Annaliese still loves those "red balls" at Target. Hudson, I get, but I don't understand her fascination with them...

Anonymous said...

Hudson is adorable! I can't believe how big he is... and those eyes are amazing! I would try rice or almond milk... that's all we give our kids and they love it! Also is a better alternative than soy.