Thursday, August 20, 2009

Goodbye Summer

With only a few days left in our summer break, I thought I would give a little review of what's been going on in our lives during the past few weeks. With school starting in just a few days, I know that if I didn't post these pictures now, I probably never would. Early on in the month we took a short trip down to South Florida. While we were down there we spent a little time playing in "The Bubble", the Miami Dolphin's indoor practice field, and the kids loved running around with all that empty space! Here are some pictures:

We then took our annual visit to Mexico Beach to visit some family and crash in their beach house. As always, we all enjoyed the beach and had fun spending time with family. Madison and Hudson were both able to ride some waves on the boogie board. I was able to catch some bait fish with a net, and then Brian caught a trout and Madison reeled in a lady fish.

Hudson turned 23 months old this month, and is only weeks away from turning 2...the terrible two's!!! He has had fun playing at home. He has been into building blocks (with help), he has taken a liking to pirates and even sings his own version of "yo, ho, yo, ho, a pirates life for me". We are slowly working on potty training, but think we have a long rode ahead of us with that one! Below are some pretty cute pictures of him in his big boy underwear. Madison helped him put them on!

This past week has been a whirlwind of parent orientations, student orientations, getting school supplies, and getting ready physically as well as emotionally for both kids starting school on Monday. Hudson will be starting Timberlane Church Preschool three mornings a week, and Madison will be starting Kindergarten at Robert's Elementary. The entire family visited both schools today so that they could meet their teachers, see their rooms and meet some of their classmates. They both seem eager and ready to begin on Monday, so hopefully all goes smoothly! I'll post more details of their classes once I have taken their first day of school pictures and actually drop them both off for the day!! Here are a few shots of them today.

Wish us luck or say a little prayer that we survive this first week as we are all transitioning into our new schedules!

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