Sunday, October 7, 2007

Hudson is 1 Month Old

An entire month has already gone by in our little man's life. Its amazing how much Hudson has grown and changed in such a short amount of time. He is starting to settle into a routine with three wakeful and three sleeping periods during the day. He has thankfully begun to sleep about 4 hours at a time during the night, and when he does wake up he is great about eating and going right back to sleep. He loves to eat...and it shows! He has outgrown most of the newborn cothing, and his cute, chubby rolls are emerging and filling out some bigger clothing. He knows his name, and recognizes his family. He already seems to be fond of his big sister and enjoys watching her...when she moves slow enough for him to follow. Our hearts have melted at the smiles he is beginning to give us, and we have even heard a few laughs when he is tickled between his neck and chest. He is such a bundle of joy, and is truly a good baby. Having a baby back in the house makes us realize how grown Madison is, and it only seems like yesterday that we brought her home. We are trying to cherish each day because they are flying by! And while I would love for Madison and Hudson to stay this age forever, it is a privelage to watch them both grow and develop into little people.

Happy 1 Month Birthday Hudson!


Daisha said...

I love that pic of Hudson smiling. Too cute.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the littlest of moments. It goes by so much quicker the second time!!! Sounds like you are all doing well. Take care.


P.S. Mason said GO GATORS!!!