Monday, December 10, 2007

All I want for Christmas...

Madison and Hudson visited Santa over the weekend. Madison delivered her Christmas list pretty confidently, and with good manners, of course! Here is what she has asked for this year:
A yellow Belle dress from Beauty and the Beast
(she saw Roberta get one at her party and has wanted one since)
A Tinker Bell yo-yo
(she saw it in a store, and since she was Tinker Bell for Halloween, she thinks she needs it)
A picture of a pink unicorn
(we are not sure where this one came from, but after some searching around, Brian was able to track down a little elf that is hard at work for Madison.....but please don't tell her!)
Hudson still doesn't know what all the hype is about just yet, so I think it's safe to say that all he really wants is:
milk, milk, and more milk
It's amazing to me the power that saying, "Santa is watching" has had this month!!
We'll have to wait and see what Santa brings these two nice children.
We have already recieved our gifts this year!!

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