Saturday, December 22, 2007

Madison the Photographer...or Rockstar....or?

Last weekend we celebrated an early Christmas with Grandparents, Great-Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles and some cousins. These were just a few of the gifts that Madison received to spur her imagination on. As of today, she has 9 things that she wants to become. In her words she wants to be a picture taker, a rockstar like Hannah Montana, an animal doctor, a child doctor and a nurse, a fire woman, a cheerleader, a teacher, and a Mommy of 3 daughters. As you can see in the pictures, she was role playing several of those already. A typical woman already getting good at multi-tasking!! Below are pictures that she captured with her camera. She's still learning how to hold the camera steady, but she's exploring many different settings.
Whatever she decides she wants to become, I have no doubt she will be successful!!

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