Friday, December 7, 2007

Hudson is 3 Months!

Another month has come and gone already, and I have to say that Hudson just keeps getting cuter and cuter!! He has such a sweet personality and a smile that melts your heart. His growing cheeks and chubby little body lend themselves to many kisses and snuggles...and he doesn't seem to mind. He has grown into a great conversationalist and loves to interact. He still loves to be sung to and will sometimes try to sing along. One of his new favorite toys is a singing Baby Tad with lights that blink along with the song. He has enjoyed exploring his rag tag blanket that Janay made him and sticks his fingers in the tag loops, then pulls it to his mouth. Lately, everything makes it to his mouth...except his pacifier. He has decided to refuse a pacifier at all times now, and prefers his or our fingers and knuckles instead. A game that really gets him laughing is to pull his fist out of his mouth and then pretend to put it in your mouth instead. Seems simple, but we can go back and forth for quite a while and he finds it hysterical. He is also extremely ticklish. So, Madison loves to give him tickles. Hudson and Madison continue to build a great relationship as brother and sister. You can see the love they have for one another in the way they look at each other. It's very sweet!
As far as sleep goes, he is still hit or miss. He sleeps anywhere from 4to 8 hours at night, then goes for another 2 to 3 each time after that. I guess the big boy likes his belly full!! He is still taking 3 naps a day, but the length of each nap differ from day to day. His happiest time of day is first thing in the morning. His bright blue eyes and big morning smiles make you forget how many times you had to wake up the night before. They also make it hard to leave him. This month I have begun working part time again, but he has transitioned remarkably. Although I would love to be at home exclusively, I am thankful that Brian is able to be home with him when I am working. So far, everything is working out well for us all. We still have a mix of chaotic days and calm days, but I guess that is the life of a family of four. We are looking forward to seeing what the month ahead brings!!

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