Saturday, March 15, 2008

Big Boy Stats

Hudson had his 6 month check up on Tuesday and seems to be doing great. He is right on track developmentally and our Doctor said he is a strong boy! His current stats are:

weight: 19 lbs 6oz (80th percentile...he's going down)

height: 27 in (70th percentile...he's going up)

So, it looks like he is starting to even out a bit...yeah! Don't get me wrong though, he is still huge and is already wearing 12 month clothing!! We don't know where he gets it from.

After I read what I posted for his 6 month birthday I remembered some other things he started doing that I didn't want to forget. If you read that he is eating oatmeal, the reason is because he had a negative reaction to rice cereal (vomiting and it could be an allergy). But he is tolerating the oatmeal well and had also eaten sweet potatoes, bananas and carrots...all homemade. I'm trying to make my own food in hopes that it helps him become a less picky eater than his sister. Last month he also started reaching his hands out to yours if you hold yours out. He started showing more favoritism to me by reaching for me as I walk by or if someone else is holding him for too long. It's very sweet and rewarding!! I'm so in love!!

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