Friday, May 2, 2008

Happy 1/2 Year Birthday Madison

Madison is half-way through her fourth year and it just blows my mind!! Over the past 6 months she has continued to grow into a spectacular little human being, constantly blowing our minds! Here is a list of highlights and accomplishments:
  • Her new favorite thing do when friends or babies come over is to give away one of her toys as a gift to them. She gets such a joy out of doing this; it's truly an expression of how giving she is and how much she loves her friends.
  • She still loves to be read to, but lately she enjoys writing just as much. She can sound out and write simple words and familiar names. She also enjoys stringing random letters together and asking someone to sound out what silly words she wrote.
  • She can pump by herself on a swing.
  • She hugged a dolphin for the first time.
  • She can count to 50 by herself, and even to 100 with a little help.
  • She learned to skip with both feet (she did a one-legged skip for a while).
  • She finally pushed up to a bridge in gymnastics all by herself. (looks like a back-bend)
  • She loves to sing and dance around the house. She pretends she is a rock star like Hannah Montana...although she's hardly ever seen her!! She's actually really good at improvising words to a song!
  • Her favorite movie today is Enchanted, and she loves the song, "Big Girls Don't Cry" by Fergie!
  • She's outgrowing her naps, so we now call it "rest time". She gets to look at books quietly in her bed. Sometimes she falls asleep, but most of the time she does not!
  • Every night before she goes to bed Madison has the deepest thoughts and asks the most profound questions. Brian and I have called it "Deep Thoughts" by Madison. We really have to be on our toes and ready for some serious answers because we never know what she might ask!
  • She has an incredible memory and ability to make correlations between people and life events. It's amazing to us!
  • She's still the best big sister to Hudson, and he adores her!
  • One funny thing she said this weekend: We were visiting my Dad and Denise this weekend and went swimming a few times. They have a large community pool along with a little "kiddy" pool. On the last day we were in the big pool and she said, "Can we go to "cat pool" now. Get it "Kitty" pool...."Cat" pool. We all cracked up!

It's been a great 6 months. We could not ask for more in our little girl. Happy 4 1/2 Year Birthday Madison!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Hahaha! I went through the "rest time" phase aroundher age, as well. Only babies took "naps," in my opinon.

Madison is such a wonderful little girl and both Tater and I enjoy her sweetness and thoughtfulness. (And he cute drawings of him -- it's on our fridge above Tater's food dish.)