Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Hudson is 8 Months Old

Another fun month has passed by for our cutie! Not much has changed, he just becomes stronger and more efficient at what he has been doing. He is sitting up in his bath on his own and is a splashing machine. He went swimming for the first time and loved it....face under water and everything! He gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth. He can also spin himself around on his belly like a CD. His favorite thing to do is to stand up. He will hold onto anything and when you try to sit him down he stiffens his legs and cries if you pull him away before he was ready too sit on his own. With all this movement though, he wound up getting his first bruise on his forehead, but it cleared up quickly. Verbally he is making all sorts of new sounds and babbles. He unknowingly says, "uh-oh" from time to time. (Madison thinks this is funny!) His happiest times of the day are still when he awakens from his naps and when Madison comes home from school. They are becoming more physical when they play (wrestling, tickling, laughing, etc..), and Hudson actually bit her for the first time this week. I asked Madison what she was doing putting her fingers in his mouth and she said, "I didn't Mommy, he pulled my hand into his mouth and he bit my finger." I reassured her that he didn't mean to hurt her, and I don't think she'll let that happen again. At least not until he becomes stronger then her!
Below is a slide show of pictures I took of Hudson today. I decided to share them all so you could see a bit of his personality. Enjoy!
Happy 8 Month Birthday Hudson!!

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