Sunday, May 25, 2008

Madison's Dance Recital

This weekend was Madison's dance recital, and she did a fantastic job! This year she was able to do a ballet and a tap dance. I hoped to have put together a short movie with all the clips we recorded from the weekend, but we are having technical difficulties with our movie editing software. I know many of you are anxious to see her dances, so I thought I would just upload the clips for now. When I complete my actual movie, I will upload that as well. Enjoy watching our beautiful little dancer. We sure did!


Janay said...

How precious!
It's obvious Madison is serious about dancing. She showed really good balance during the tap routine! I'm very impressed. Thanks for posting, Annaliese and I enjoyed watching them both, twice... ;)

Anonymous said...

This was adorable. Thank you for sharing! Ian was standing on the chair clapping for Madison after watching both of the dances and of course asking for MORE! Encore!